Smart Ovens for Lonely People

Book cover of Smart Ovens for Lonely People by Elizabeth Tan

Smart Ovens for Lonely People

Author: Elizabeth Tan

Publisher: Brio Books

A rabbit works at a karaoke bar in a dystopian Perth. A woman is given a talking oven as therapy. An international ASMR conspiracy involves a mantra about Ron Swanson’s moustache. Elizabeth Tan’s short story collection Smart Ovens for Lonely People is an entertaining journey down the rabbit hole into versions of reality where it pays to look – and listen – closely. Whether giving consciousness to everyday objects or deploying futuristic technology for everyday problems, Tan’s narratives playfully skewer society’s blind spots by highlighting what we all take for granted in our status quo. Perfect for a new generation of short story readers, and featuring work published in Overland, The Lifted Brow and Catapult, this collection showcases Tan’s trademark blend of inventiveness, wit and magical realism.

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