For writers

Despite the seemingly calm surface, Perth and Western Australia are teeming with literary activity. Just finding out who is doing what and whether it’s relevant to you or not can be a daunting task. The information contained on these pages will help you to find the resources you need to support your writing goals, better understand the publishing environment and connect with your peers.

Find your people

Many writers’ organisations in Western Australia host regular writing groups while other groups throughout the metro area and in regional WA offer one-off or short-term workshops and courses where you can meet like-minded writers.

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About publishing

The contemporary publishing environment is complex and can be difficult to navigate. New technologies and platforms for writing, publishing, and reaching readers with your content are constantly evolving. These pages contain information that will help you understand the environment and explain the choices that are available to you.

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Resources for writers

If you are starting on your writing journey and seeking information about writing and editing or wanting to know about the services that are available to help you achieve your goals, these pages will be of value to you.

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Other resources for writers

Links to other key service organisations that can help you.

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Rates of pay

Writing WA advocates for writers and illustrators to be paid according to the recommended rates published by the Australian Society of Authors.

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