Mia Lacy


Mia Lacy, the Mediawriter, is a copywriter, a journalist and a life memoir writer.

Several years ago, she learned how to draft, design and create life memoirs. Her memoir books are printed and bound in W.A. and make a beautiful and lasting inter-generational piece of family history.


Mia is a Libran born in the Lunar Year of the Rat.
She has been fortunate to be involved with some wonderful brands and great people over the years. As well as copywriting (or corporate writing as its sometimes called) she creates publicity for clients, and does a little feature writing. Her travel stories have been published in inflight magazines, and she's also written a feature film script as her wish fulfilment project. Since commencing writing peoples' life memoirs, this is by far her favourite thing! Having people give you such access to themselves is a treat, and EVERYONE has such an interesting story to be told. If you'd like to meet Mia to discuss your project, get in touch and she'll arrange to catch up.

Relevant qualifications

Auckland University of Technology - Bachelor of Business/Advertising

Recent experience

Curtin Radio - Afternoons with Jenny Seaton - Guest Interview 'How to Write Your Memoir' - 2019
Rotary Association of W.A. - Guest Speaker 'How to Write Your Memoir' - 2020
Independent Retirees Association - Guest Speaker 'How to Write Your Memoir' - YouTube


My Side of the Story

My Side of the Story

Publisher: Mia Lacy

Publ. date: 2019

Genre: Memoir

Rough-Hewn Ends

Rough-Hewn Ends

Publisher: Mia Lacy

Publ. date: 2018

Genre: Memoir

An Immigrant's Story

An Immigrant's Story

Publisher: Mia Lacy

Publ. date: 2017

Genre: Memoir

Get in touch

Website http://www.mediawriter.com.au

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/themediawriter

YouTube https://youtu.be/egepgJY-6Ps

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