

Author: Susan Midalia

Publisher: Night Parrot Press

Published: July 2022

Miniatures is a compelling collection of short-short stories that are both witty and full of suburban-life quirkiness. Pulled together like this, Midalia’s new works are a statement to her deep understanding of the constructive elements of the quintessential short story.

Miniatures addresses life’s simple pleasures and its many obligations. At times we meet its truth with disturbing approximation to a reality that is heartwarming and heartfelt. This is the kind of book you pick up to read just one story before bed and end up reading 10 just to see what Midalia will come up with next. And she keeps on delivering, every single time with every single line.

Midalia will have you in tatters or she will have you in tears. Often your hand will run to your mouth, because Miniatures exerts the power to surprise the reader from beginning to end.