Corporate and Government
Would your workforce benefit from professional writing instruction targeted to meet your company’s needs? We can assist. To find out more, please contact us.
Would your social club like to host an author talk and/or establish a book club? Why not enjoy A Glass of Wine and A Good Book – our trademark program that brings together the best of WA literature with premium WA wines.
Local Governments, Libraries and Regional Communities
Are you interested in bringing exciting literary events into your community? Then why not consider hosting Writing WA’s Writers on the Road – our bespoke one-day mini writers festival, developed in consultation with you to meet the needs and interests of your community.
Our program allows you to choose from a menu of options that includes schools talks and workshops, adult writing workshops, author talks, literary lunches, and our famous Pyjama Party for children and families. For more information, prices and availability please contact us.
Please note: Substantial discounts are available if your organisation, library or local government is a member of Writing WA.